Hispanic Population
The LA market ADI is the #1
Hispanic market in the United States.
Hispanics make up one of the largest ethnic
group utilizing Southern California’s transit system,
making them a perfect target for bus bench advertising.
The 2000 Census has documented approximately
4.9 million Hispanic people in Los Angeles, Orange and San
Bernardino Counties. 78% of these Hispanics reside in Metro
L.A.L.A. County’s Hispanic population increased to38%
of the County’s total population.
L.A. County is home to the second largest urban
Hispanic population in the Northern Hemisphere behind Mexico
City. Hispanics make up one of the largest
ethnic group utilizing Southern California’s transit
Nearly 40% of this market’s Hispanic
population is under 18
years with 71% under the age of 35 years (average age 24 vs.
35.5 for non-Hispanic)
African American Population
The 2000 Census has documented
that California
Represents 10% of African Americans in the USA.
3.1 Million African Americans reside in the state of California.
Over 1.2 Million African Americans reside in Los Angeles County.
California is the 2nd largest state of African
American private business owners.
74% of African Americans 25 years and older
have at least a high school diploma. 14% have a bachelor’s
degree. 16% men and 22% women work in management and professional
specialty careers (e.g., engineers, dentist,
teachers, lawyers, etc.) 46% of African Americans are married
or couples with families.
The estimated medium age is 29.8 years, nearly 8 years younger
than the non-Hispanic white population.
Bench Ad has over 10,000 bus benches
in Los Angeles.
Here are maps of other areas Bench Ad services.